As we all know, womens health is sometimes one of the most neglected parts of being a girl. I know a lot of women who self-medicate themselves instead of going to the doctor for a check-up whenever they feel something unusual in their bodies. Even when in they are in deep pain, they would settle for some pain-reliever and when it is gone, life goes on. Even when they clearly know that they already need to see a doctor, they will not because of their very busy schedule. That is a typical reason of a home-maker.

Most women only become more concerned of their body and health when they learned that they are pregnant. Maybe this is because she is not doing it for herself alone, but for the new life in her body. They listen to every pregnancy advice their OB-Gynecologist give. When they feel something, they always consult their doctor first before acting. They read and try to absorb all pregnancy information they get. When a woman is pregnant, she becomes mindful of her health more than anything else because of the unborn baby in her womb. It is kind of sad though that a woman needs to be pregnant first before giving a closer look into her body.

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